SAHAJ Heat Pump - The Future of Water Heater

What is Heat Pump?

“A heat pump is a refrigeration device that extracts
heat generated through the refrigeration cycle and
transfers it to water stored in thermal storage, which
can be used as a hot water supply for the house.”

Why Sahaj Heat Pump?

How Sahaj heat Pump Works ?

  • Sahaj Heat Pump is Air to water type heat pump. This takes heat from the outside air and transfers heat to a water-based system.
  • The created heat can be used as a hot water supply for the house.
  • Air to water heat pumps is among the most efficient air source heat pumps on the market.

Advantages of Heat Pump

Lower Operating Cost

Lower Operating Cost

Ease of Installation

Ease of Installation

Compact Size

Compact Size




Domestic Uses
Domestic Commercial & Industrial

Installation Setup for Sahaj Heat Pump

Sahaj heat Pump Installation